From the course: Learning Virtualization

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Running a specific program

Running a specific program

- In this section, I'd like to talk about a common use of virtualization and that is the need to run a specific program. That for some reason won't run or won't run very well on the computer you're currently using. In that case sometimes a nice solution is to install a hypervisor and build a virtual machine with a different operating system, an operating system more suited for the application you would like to run. This situation certainly comes up with legacy applications. An application that was written for an old version. An application that is not being maintained but still has some good functionality. I recently came across this situation in dealing with a 32 bit application that was ported to a 64 bit server. And there was lots of problems with the porting. We instead changed our approach. And on the 64 bit server we installed a 32 bit guest operating system and we ran the legacy application in the 32 bit virtual…
