From the course: Learning Virtualization

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Installing VMware Workstation

Installing VMware Workstation

From the course: Learning Virtualization

Installing VMware Workstation

- [Instructor] Now we're going to look at one of the products from VMware. VMware makes a number of hypervisor products. One of the more popular ones is called Workstation, and there is a 30 day free trial of Workstation. So I'm going to go to a search engine and just type in VMware Workstation. And for me, it came up as the second link, Windows VM Workstation Pro, I'll click on that. That'll take me to the VMware site. Over to the right, I have the option to download now. I'll click on that. I'll scroll down a little and I see it as a Workstation Pro for Windows and Workstation Pro for Linux. I am interested in the Windows version, so I'll click download now and we'll see that download has started. Once your download is complete, you'll just kick off the installation by double clicking on the file. And if you get the user account control, go ahead and click "Yes." The first screen of the wizard just gives me some…
