From the course: Learning Virtualization

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Installing Hyper-V

Installing Hyper-V

- [Instructor] In this section, I'd like to talk about installing Microsoft Hyper-V. Hyper-V is Microsoft's enterprise tool for creating and managing virtual machines. It is available at no additional cost if you own a valid license of a Microsoft product, such as any of the Microsoft Windows Server products or most versions of Windows 10 and Windows 8. In order to install. First, I'll go to the control panels, and the control panel I'm looking for is Programs and Features, and in there, to the left, we'll see an option to turn Windows features on or off. If I click on that, we see a number of features, some of which I have installed, some of which I haven't installed. The one we're interested in is Hyper-V, which has a plus sign to the left. I'll open that up and we see we have two sub-options under that, the Hyper-V Platform, which I definitely want to install because that is the core software, and then also, the…
