From the course: Learning Virtualization

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- [Instructor] In this section, I'd like to talk about one of the disadvantages of virtualization and that is expense. Now I want to be clear that in a properly designed virtual environment, in the long run, we should be able to save money, and obviously saving money is a good thing, but do be aware there are some expenses associated with virtualization and if you're not careful, some of these expenses can get out of hand. There are many hypervisor products on the market that are free, but most of the best advanced features are not free. Many vendors have several offerings. The offerings with the fewest features are typically free, but the offerings with the best features are not free. Other vendors just have the one hypervisor but there's ad-ons available to it. So the hypervisor's free, but the ad-ons that give you the additional features can be expensive. Also remember that the software loaded onto the guest machine is…
