From the course: Learning Virtualization

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Creating a virtual machine with Hyper-V

Creating a virtual machine with Hyper-V

From the course: Learning Virtualization

Creating a virtual machine with Hyper-V

- Now it's time to create our first virtual machine. So off the start menu I'll type in hyper, and select the hyper V manager. In the hyper V manager to the right, we see the option for new, I'll click on that. And it'll say virtual machine. So this is going to take me through a multi-step wizard have created a new virtual machine. The first page is just an intro, so I'll click next. Next, It's giving me the option to name the virtual machine. It came up with a default name of new virtual machine, which is not a very descriptive name. So I'm going to try to provide a name that's more descriptive. I'll be installing windows 10 in this virtual machine, so I'll call mine windows 10 demo. By default it's going to store this virtual machine at C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Hyper-V. If you'd like to put it in a different location you can do so here. I'll click next. It's asking me what generation I would like to use.…
