From the course: Learning Virtualization

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Choosing the best solution for you

Choosing the best solution for you

From the course: Learning Virtualization

Choosing the best solution for you

- [Illustrator] In this section, I'd like to talk about finding the right solution. Unfortunately, there is no one product that is best for everyone. Every situation is unique, but I'm going to talk about what factors you should consider when evaluating a hypervisor product. And I've identified three main factors to consider when buying a hypervisor, first is the operating systems, both the host operating system and the guest operating systems you'd like to run. We'll also need to think about storage, and the licensing. So these are the three main things to consider. We'll talk about each one individually. So for the host OS and guest OS, remember there is no hypervisor that runs on every operating system, and there is no hypervisor that supports guests running any and every operating system. However, the trend in the industry right now certainly is to be as broad as possible. So most hypervisors will run on a wide…
