From the course: Learning Virtualization

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Allocating processors and memory to a virtual machine using VMware Workstation

Allocating processors and memory to a virtual machine using VMware Workstation

From the course: Learning Virtualization

Allocating processors and memory to a virtual machine using VMware Workstation

- [Instructor] Now let's look at allocating processor and memory to a virtual machine. So again, in the tree view, I'll click on the name of the virtual machine and then right click on it. I'll go down to settings. And if I pull up the processor section, we'll see that most of this is greyout because we can't edit the processor information while the virtual machine is running. So I'll hit "Cancel," and I will shut down this virtual machine. Want to shut down, I'll go back and right click on the name and go to settings, pull up processors again and now we see we can in fact, edit the processor information. The top drop down is number of processors. We can't just type in any number we have to go with what's in the dropdown already. I'm going to choose two processors. And then also we have a drop down for a number of cores per processor. I'm going to go with two there also which gives me a total of four processor…
