From the course: Learning Study Skills

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- You've reached the end of the course so congratulations on finishing what you started. Now your goal should be to start applying the study skills we went over. In chapter one, we talked about some tips to improve your reading speed. If you'd like to go into more depth on this topic, I'd suggest checking out my other course here on titled Speed Reading Fundamentals. And if you liked the memory techniques we covered in chapter three, you might be interested in my other course here on which is called Improving Your Memory. This course goes over some additional techniques to help you remember things like other people's names, passwords, presentations, and a variety of other things. Keep in mind that taking this course is just one part of the learning process. The other part is to actively apply what you've learned. So I hope you found this course helpful, and I want to wish you the very best in your studies going forward. Thanks for watching.
