From the course: Learning ServiceNow

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Viewing data

Viewing data

- [Instructor] ServiceNow stores data in fields on records across an extensive set at interconnected tables. Most of the time you'll see these data on lists that fly by as you page through. It makes sense to reduce the clutter in these lists to target just the records that you need to see. So let's force some order here, and learn how to exert large-scale controls over what appears in a list of records. So, I want to run the list of the favorite we had to show critical incidents. And certain fields are in the incident table itself, such as Opened, Short description, State, Category. Other fields point to records in other tables. This column, Caller, is a pointer to user records in the user table. This column, Assignment group, are pointers to records in the group table. So, there are fields that are actually in the table, and there are fields that point to other tables. The columns that appear on the screen are those…
