From the course: Learning ServiceNow

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User interface: Performance

User interface: Performance - ServiceNow Tutorial

From the course: Learning ServiceNow

User interface: Performance

- [Instructor] Just as important it was to tailor your interface for presentation, we can also tailor the user interface for performance. So go up to the system settings tab, the little gear here in the upper top right, and I'll select forms. The first option shows tabbed forms, so that means when you look at a particular record, different information appears in tabs. This is the notes tabs, the related records, resolution information, so fields on a form are allocated in the tabs. You can then decide to show that you're going to show a form without tabs in which case all the fields are shown in just a long, linear list. You'll typically find that it takes less real estate to show a form with tabs as opposed to without tabs, but this is a personal preference of yours. There's also an opportunity in the systems settings tab in order to confirm when related lists are going to be loaded. And related lists show records that…
