From the course: Learning ServiceNow

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User interface: Notification

User interface: Notification - ServiceNow Tutorial

From the course: Learning ServiceNow

User interface: Notification

- [Instructor] Many organizations can figure extensive email notifications. Tasks opens, tasks allocated to a group, tasks assigned to you, tasks comment of et cetera. You might find these notifications helpful or overwhelming. So you can subscribe or unsubscribe from most notifications, to keep your email stream manageable. So if I go up to the System Setting icon, in the upper right hand corner, there's an option here for notifications. And the notification option you can choose, is to allow or disallow notifications in their entirety. To allow or disallow notifications coming in a certain fashion, or to create some personal notifications. So notifications can be searched. You could look for all notifications that have maybe talking about something's being closed, but just putting those first three letters CLO. Or, you might say, "Hey, give me all the notifications "that talk about somethings been unassigned."…
