From the course: Learning ServiceNow

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Sharing filters

Sharing filters

- [Instructor] One more thing about filters, and this speaks to the issue of efficiency and effectiveness. Once you've established a really useful filter, you'll want to share that with your team. However, not every user has permission to share filters. You have to have the ServiceNow filter_group, filter_group, role added to your profile in order to be able to share a filter. Now Josephine's manager, Jason Hemlock, has that role. So I'm logged in now, as you can see, as Jason Hemlock. We're still looking at the list of critical incidents but I'm going to have Jason create a filter and share that with everyone in his team. So we're looking at the list of critical incidents, and we're going to open up the filter panel as we did in the prior one, and we're going to add some additional capabilities here. We'll say I'm only interested in those particular incidents that are still critical that have been opened before the last two…
