From the course: Learning ServiceNow

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Searching for data

Searching for data

- [Instructor] You can also arrange the records you see in a given screen based on information you select against the column label. So if you right click on the column options hamburger, next to a column label, you have options to sort this, sort this ascending, sort this descending, group by number, so many of the options that we saw in the list control options before, to group by or to filter or to sort is also available right next to the column label. Certain fields also have the option to be able to produce a pie chart of the data in which it contains. In this particular case, you're seeing a pie chart of the state in which these critical incidents are. So you have an indication of how many of those are in a closed state, how many of them are in progress state, how many of them are brand new, and how many of them are on hold. This gives you a graphical presentation of the information that appears in an individual…
