From the course: Learning ServiceNow

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How can I find work?

How can I find work? - ServiceNow Tutorial

From the course: Learning ServiceNow

How can I find work?

- [Instructor] There can be a huge number of open tasks in a ServiceNow instance any one time corresponding to incidents and problems, change requests and catalog service requests, and task generated by a host of other out of box ServiceNow or customer created applications. How do you know if any of these tasks are for you? Let's go over the ways to discover tasks assigned to you or groups to which you belong, and then how to reassign a task to yourself. We'll continue to impersonate our fulfiller, Josephine Goodman, and it's going to search for open unassigned incidents. These are incidents that have not been examined by the service desk to allocate to a team for investigation. So this is a broad brush list of incidents, including those that may never come Josephine's way. So if we look for all open unassigned incidents, we'll see a total of 15 incidents in the current instance that have been opened and are unassigned. So…
