From the course: Learning ServiceNow

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Getting data out

Getting data out

- Forms present data in a structured manner. Some of the fields capture the lifecycle of the record. To track down unusual events or issues in fulfilling a task, it sometimes helps to be able to look at that preserved snapshot of the record, to look at a running list of actions on the record, and/or to look at an in depth history of each field on the record. So we need to be able to manage what data appears in the activity log, we need to be able to peruse the history log, and how to print a PDF version of a form for archival purposes. Lots of good stuff, so let's dive in. Forms display data according to a view. So if we open incident number seven, it is opening in the default view. And certain fields and data appear on the form. If we change to another view, a different set of fields and options appear on the form. This is so views on a form are not that different than we encountered in views in a list. So let's return…
