From the course: Learning ServiceNow

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Exporting records from a list view

Exporting records from a list view - ServiceNow Tutorial

From the course: Learning ServiceNow

Exporting records from a list view

There are times when you're developing a process improvement or researching the underlying cause of an issue that you want to use your own analytical tools. That means you need to export the data from ServiceNow as the basis of your action plan. In any ListView you can right click between the labels of two adjacent columns. And the panel that opens has an export option at the very end. When you highlight that export option it lists the types of file formats you can be used to export the data. Excel, comma separated value fields, JSON files or various Portable Document Format layouts. So if you select Excel, it's going to say that the export has started. If there was a great deal of data it will give you a count of rows as they exported them. And then finally will give the export complete message. You can opt to cancel the export or can download the file. So when you look at the file that has been downloaded you can see in…
