From the course: Learning ServiceNow

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Data and column management

Data and column management - ServiceNow Tutorial

From the course: Learning ServiceNow

Data and column management

- [Instructor] Here's a specific search syntax you do use in order to select records in a given list view. This slide shows the exact syntax to express a search, to know whether you're looking for an exact match, an approximate match, a match where the target string is contained within a record or not contained with a record, at the beginning, or at the end of an individual field. So let's use this search syntax, specifically against the Short description column in the Critical Incidence list. So if we wanted to look for all incidents that had the exact phrase in the short description of Reset my password. Starting the search syntax with the equal sign, it says I want an exact match. If you'd like to look for all records that have approximately the word needed, it's going to look for all those that have need or something like that in the Short description. If you want to look for records that have a short description…
