From the course: Learning ServiceNow

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Creating your own reports

Creating your own reports - ServiceNow Tutorial

From the course: Learning ServiceNow

Creating your own reports

- [Instructor] Service now provides a very straight forward and flexible report writer. It has extensive capabilities for presenting data in a variety of formats, both graphical text based. The full breadth of reporting capabilities is described under the Reporting heading on the ServiceNow documentation site. We're going to concentrate on building an actionable list report for our use and then arranging for it to be shared with our team. Rely on what we've learned about defining filters and personalizing lists to create just the report we want. First, we'll get to the reporting function. You may recall we created a favorite for that very purpose. This brings us to the main form for creating a report. We select the button say Create a Report and then start filling in the mandatory fields. So we've given the report a name, we've selected that where it's going to be against a table, and we indicated that it's going to be…
