From the course: Learning ServiceNow

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Applications and modules

Applications and modules - ServiceNow Tutorial

From the course: Learning ServiceNow

Applications and modules

- [Instructor] The ServiceNow platform is divided into applications and modules. In the Application Navigator, you can see the whole list of applications and modules available in the ServiceNow platform. You notice that applications have a lighter colored background, modules have the darker color. So if you're looking for the Change application, you can type in Change in this filter box at the very top and it shows you all the modules that are in the Change application itself. To create a new change, open existing changes, to look at those that are closed, et cetera and et cetera. There're two other icons of interest here in the Application Navigator. The star icon lists all favorites you may have defined. The clock icon lists a history of the last 30-odd commands that you issued. So let's talk a little bit more about favorites. If you look in the Application Navigator and you see a star outline against a particular…
