From the course: Learning ServiceNow

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An order fulfillment request

An order fulfillment request - ServiceNow Tutorial

From the course: Learning ServiceNow

An order fulfillment request

- [Narrator] ServiceNow's service portal offers a way to ask for things, and the service catalog application allows the request to be tracked. So we're logged in as a casual user, Lisa Marley, and she's going to request something. She's going to request a peripheral; in fact, she's going to request an external monitor. So when she makes the selection of the product she's interested in, she places the order, and then checks out of this interface. Then a request is in place for the external monitor. When she returns to the interface, the standard ServiceNow interface, she can follow along to see how this requested item is being progressed by looking through requested item list. Here's her requested item, corresponded to the request that she just placed. And she can see that there are two tasks that are going to be necessary to be completed before her request can be satisfied. Now we've logged back in to the…
