From the course: Learning SAP Analytics Cloud

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Smart Predict

Smart Predict

- [Instructor] One of the best features of SAP Analytics Cloud is its ability to produce predictive analytics based on historical data. This is known as Smart Predict. Now, it certainly follows that the more data you have, the higher the level of confidence in the forecast produced. Make sure that you have your story open and also make sure that you're in Edit mode. This is necessary to make sure that the forecast is saved later on. Let's go ahead and select the chart that we wish to add a forecast for, and then, under this arrow, click on the dropdown box and select Automated Forecast. And in just a couple of moments, an automatic forecast has been produced, that being this shaded area in blue. Now, let's go ahead and zoom to the forecast period by dragging the date slider below the chart. And I'm going to drag the date slider so that we can see January 2012 to January 2024. I also like to make sure that I've got some historical data here so I can see the trend before the forecast…
