From the course: Learning SAP Analytics Cloud

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Share your story

Share your story

- [Instructor] Sharing your SAP Analytics Cloud story is easy. The first thing we need to do is open an existing story. So let's go ahead and do that by selecting Browse, Files, and I'm just going to go ahead and click on the Employment Analysis story. Once open, what you'll notice at the top of the screen is this sharing icon here. So let's go ahead and select it, and once this screen appears, you'll notice that we have the opportunity to add users, as well as changing their access from, say, View to Edit, or Full Control. Now, to get the most amount of value from this feature, other users have to be on the same SAP Analytics Cloud account as you are. However, the most flexible way to share a story is to close the sharing story option, and then click on the drop down box next to Save, and click on Export. Now, depending on how large your story is, this next step may take a little while, but we do want to make sure that the drop down option PDF has been selected. Let's leave All as…
