From the course: Learning SAP Analytics Cloud

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- [Instructor] There's so much that you can do with your SAP Analytics Cloud story. For example, if you've built a chart that you really like, you can quickly and easily add it to your homepage by going to edit mode, selecting the chart, and then clicking on these three dots, and then selecting pin to home. Let's go to the homepage by clicking on main menu, and then home, and you'll see that the chart has been quickly added to our home page. Let's go back to our story by clicking on the three dots and then clicking on go to employment analysis. And we are now back in the story. Let's say that we now want to add a location filter. I prefer to add filters to the entire story rather than an individual chart. The reason being, when I select a location filter I'd like to see every chart update rather than just one. Under tools, let's click on filter, then select filter again, and under dimensions, click on area name. Now let's select all members, and leave the default option multiple…
