From the course: Learning SAP Analytics Cloud

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Establish data connections

Establish data connections

- [Instructor] Now, it kind of goes without saying that to get going with SAP Analytics Cloud, we need data. Now, the best way to do this is to make sure that SAP Analytics Cloud is open, and from the menu option at the top left hand side of the screen, go ahead and select Create, Model. Now, at this point, you'll see a few options appear. We could start with a blank model, get data from a data source. On this occasion, we're just going to go ahead and import a file from the computer. Let's select Source File and then navigate to the folder that contains the file that you wish to open. On this occasion, we're going to select the EmploymentStats.csv. Double click the file. Leave the checkbox Use first row as column headers and just make sure that the CSV Delimiter is Auto-detect, and then click Import. Once the data has been imported, you'll notice this dialog box appears and lets us know that the data has been successfully uploaded but that we're just working with a sample before we…
