From the course: Learning SAP Analytics Cloud

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Data transformation

Data transformation

- The best time to make changes to the formatting, or attributes of your SAP Analytics Cloud data, is before you create your data model. To do this, make sure that SAP Analytics Cloud is open, and then from the main menu, select browse, and then click on files. If you've already created any data models or dashboards, you will see them appear here. Otherwise, what we're going to do is go ahead and open the draft data set that has already been prepared. Under draft data, click on the drop down box, and then select the draft data set called Employment Stats, that has already been prepared. Once open, you'll notice a dialogue box appears that lets us know that we're viewing just a sample of the data. Let's go ahead and click on okay. What we're going to do now, is something called a transformation. This is where we can manipulate data, before creating our data model, and it's always best to do this before we upload our data. Let's go ahead and click on the month column, and then select…
