From the course: Learning SAP Analytics Cloud

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Customize a story

Customize a story

- [Instructor] Let's say that you've created the start of an SAP Analytics Cloud story, but want to add some neat features to it. Let's go ahead and customize our story. In the main menu, let's go ahead and select Browse, Files. And what we need to do now is find the story that we've already created. In this case, let's click on Employment Analysis. And in just a couple of moments the story will open. To make changes to the story, we need to make sure that we are in Edit mode. To do this, click on Edit, to the very top right-hand side of the screen. And we can now customize the story. The first thing I'm going to do is rename my page Summary Reports, instead of Page 1. Click on the drop-down box next to Page 1. Click on rename, and let's change Page 1 to Summary Reports, then click on OK. Under Insert at the very top of the screen, you'll notice that we have a number of options to select different charts. There really is no limit to what can be produced here. For example, let's say…
