From the course: Learning Revit 2025

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Working with section views

Working with section views - Revit Tutorial

From the course: Learning Revit 2025

Working with section views

- [Instructor] Subject of this video is going to be sections and I'm back in a fresh copy of the sample architectural model. And we'll start by looking at some of the sections that are already here in this project and then we'll try our hand at creating a few of our own. So it might be helpful if we first open a floor plan. And now it doesn't really matter which floor plan you open but just to change things up a little bit I'm going to go with the level-five floor plan, L5 here. Okay, so let's open that up. And then I'm going to zoom in just a bit. And there are a number of sections visible here in this view. So this is one of the reasons I wanted to open up a floor plan. So we've got this one here that runs horizontally and then we've got several here that run vertically through the file. Now, the other place where you can see existing sections is to look at the project browser. So if I come over here to the project browser and I scroll down a little bit, what you will see is that…
