From the course: Learning Revit 2025

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Working with files from CAD

Working with files from CAD - Revit Tutorial

From the course: Learning Revit 2025

Working with files from CAD

- [Instructor] It is often the case that you will need to collaborate with folks who are using software other than Revit, or at the very least that you'd need to access files that were created in other software. So, Revit supports a number of other file formats for both import and export. Now, I should point out that import and export is different than a direct connection. Revit doesn't read and write these other formats, and it doesn't convert its geometry to and from these other formats, but it is able to interpret files in those other formats and bring them in dimensionally correct, and so on. So, what we're going to do in this video is a couple really simple examples. We're going to import in a file that was created in AutoCAD, and then we're going to export one of our views here to AutoCAD just so you can see the process. And we'll be using the AutoCAD DWG format, but you can do similar things with other formats in Revit as well. So it does support many other formats. So let's go…
