From the course: Learning Revit 2025

Revit or Revit LT? - Revit Tutorial

From the course: Learning Revit 2025

Revit or Revit LT?

- [Instructor] Revit comes in a few varieties. There's the full version of Revit and Revit LT. I will be recording this course in the full version of Revit. However, if you're using Revit LT, you are more than welcome to follow along, and nearly everything that I show in the course should apply to you in Revit LT as well. Now, there will be a few exceptions to this, and I will try to remember to point those out along the way as we go to kind of just let you know when things don't apply in LT or when they might look a little different on your screen. So just be aware of that if you're trying to follow along in the course using Revit LT. Now, the files that I'm going to be using for most of the videos in this course is a sample model that comes with the software. It comes with the full version of Revit, and it's referred to as Snowdon Towers. Now this file is actually broken out into several files. There's one for each discipline, architectural and electrical and structural and so on. Most of the videos will be focused on the architectural model, but I do recommend that if you're using Revit LT, that you go ahead and download all of the files that you see here on this page. These are not provided directly in Revit LT. Now, if you're using the full version of the product, then these files are provided with the product, and you can simply access them directly, and I will show you how to do that in the videos that follow. So once again, feel free to follow along in this course in either the full version of Revit, which is what it's being recorded in, or in Revit LT, just being aware that there might be some minor differences to what you see on screen versus what I'm showing you.
