From the course: Learning Revit 2025

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Placing components

Placing components - Revit Tutorial

From the course: Learning Revit 2025

Placing components

- [Instructor] In this video, we're going to look at fleshing out our model layout by adding additional components. So there's a little bit more to your typical layout than just walls, doors, and windows. And so we're going to use the component tool, and that is going to allow us to place elements of lots of different categories. So the component tool is right here on the architecture tab. I will simply click that, or you can type c + m, the keyboard shortcut. Now notice that the default one in this file is this table with umbrella. This is an exterior piece of furniture, so probably not what we want to place in this apartment unit. So let's go right to the type selector on the properties pallet and see what other items are available to us. Now if you scroll through this list here, it's a very long list, and there are lots and lots of items to choose from. So I welcome you to do that, to scroll through the list and familiarize yourself with it. But just a little bit below the table…
