From the course: Learning Revit 2025

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Layout a kitchen

Layout a kitchen

- [Instructor] In this video, we're going to continue with the layout of our two bedroom apartment unit, and we're going to focus on the kitchen here. So I'm going to zoom in in the kitchen area, and we're going to place some additional components. Now I want to go right to the insert tab, load Autodesk family and load in some countertop families. Now vanity was the last thing I searched for here so you can see that's still listed. It kind of remembers that. So what I'm going to do is just clear that previous search, and in its place I'm going to type the word "counter", and press enter. So you can see a number of items come up that meet that criteria, and there are different shaped countertops, some that include sinks, and some that include sink holes. So I'm going to grab this L-shaped countertop right here, and notice that it puts a little checkbox right there. Turns out you can actually load more than one family at the same time. So I'm also going to check this one, the L-shaped…
