From the course: Learning Revit 2025

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Importing image and PDF files

Importing image and PDF files - Revit Tutorial

From the course: Learning Revit 2025

Importing image and PDF files

- [Instructor] Revit supports the import of design data in all sorts of formats. So, sometimes you're going to get a file that's not in Revit, it's not in CAD, like we looked at in the previous video, but it might be a PDF, or it might be just a simple image file that was generated from a scanner or a photograph. So, in those cases, you can bring that data in, and of course, it won't automatically become Revit geometry, but you can use it for reference to help you build your Revit geometry or for whatever other purpose it might serve within your project. So, we're going to look at a couple examples here of bringing in such data. I'm going to bring in an image file that was created on a scanner from an old hand drawing, and we're going to bring in a vector-based PDF, okay? So, it doesn't matter what view we work in, I'm going to just work in this floor plan here. I'm going to go to the Insert tab, and then I'm going to choose Link Image as my first option here. Now, I've got this file…
