From the course: Learning Revit 2025

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Choosing a template file

Choosing a template file - Revit Tutorial

From the course: Learning Revit 2025

Choosing a template file

- [Instructor] Up until now we have worked exclusively with files that have already been created and we were simply opening those files to work in them. But what if you want to create your own file, a brand new file from scratch? Well, it's most common for new files in Revit to be created from template files. Now, think of a template file is really just a starting point for a new project. So it's a great way to configure a collection of settings and behaviors and configurations that you want to reuse again and again. And then that gets saved as a template and then you can easily reuse that template for future projects. So the way that you're going to access a template is by creating a new project file. And here it's going to be listed as models. So the word model or project are kind of used interchangeably in Revit. So both terms are appropriate here. So it says models, we're going to click new. That's also creating a new Revit file, okay, either one. Now, in the new project window…
