From the course: Learning Revit 2024

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Working with tags

Working with tags - Revit Tutorial

From the course: Learning Revit 2024

Working with tags

- [Narrator] Tags of all sorts are a big part of architectural documentation. The view that I have on screen here has several examples. So in this video I'd like to show you how you can use the tag by category tool to tag any floor plan. We've already got all the tags we need here so I'm going to remove them and then re-add them. So what I'm going to do is select one of my window tags and hold down my control key and select one of my door tags. And then I'm going to right click with either of those selected, choose select all instances visible in the view. So that's going to select all of the door and window tags, and I will delete them. So now we'll come in and we'll recreate those tags. Now to create any kind of tag except for room tags, you will use the tag by category tool. That tool is up here on the quick access toolbar. The keyboard shortcut is TG, and you can also find it on the Annotate tab right here. If you want to…
