From the course: Learning nCloth

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Solution: Do the laundry

Solution: Do the laundry - nCloth Tutorial

From the course: Learning nCloth

Solution: Do the laundry

- [Narrator] How was the laundry duty? I hope it went very well. This is the solution video which will show you how I proceed myself on my side to do this laundry load. I started modeling socks with not too many polygons, because a sock would not need to bend that much. Then I model the tshirt or a very bad tshirt, but that's fine and then I added a bit more polygon on this one because maybe a tshirt would have more creases then the pants. So I ended up with my three models. And I started the nCloths set up, starting with the socks, making the thickness a bot higher because the socks would be quite thick, something for the self collision. And I made some test falling and a few clues needed for this as a quick preview would be to have a quite high mass because clothing being wet would be falling much faster and would be heavier. And then a bit more stretchy as well because it's more heavy the clothing would actually stretch a bit more and stay and keep it's shape like that under…
