From the course: Learning nCloth

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Reference materials

Reference materials - nCloth Tutorial

From the course: Learning nCloth

Reference materials

- [Instructor] Cross dynamics and dynamics motions are extremely hard to reproduce. That's why we're using simulation software and we've seen that everything we do is based on polygons, then on springs attached to the vertices of those polygons in the simulation world. So everything we do is really not realistic because I don't know but tee shirts and pants do not have polygons and they don't have tiny springs in them. So everything we do is really an approximation only of the reality. So it's very important to look for reference before you do your work to look at the real world maybe to try to match it or to try to be inspired by it. So for example, you can go watch some videos, take a camera of yourself on the film, diverse movement of closing or just the soft bodies or the soft object that you will have to animate. So for example, looking at this kind of video is really, really, helpful in term of quality of detail because in this video we can really appreciate how much folds are…
