From the course: Learning nCloth

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Playful practice with primitives

Playful practice with primitives - nCloth Tutorial

From the course: Learning nCloth

Playful practice with primitives

- [Instructor] For the end of this chapter, let's play in a sandbox. Because now we know how to create one. We even have many teeny parameters that we can play with to control and maybe to try to have fun with in class and try to maybe achieve with it that we would be looking. So my goal in this video is really to have you try to play and try to get results but just with what we know. Because everything we know is very important and it's the best and you can see that it's already a lot actually to understand and to be able to do so many different things. So maybe I'm going to start and I will create a plane because we have to be on a planet on the ground and then it's good to be able to have things falling and reacting with the ground. And maybe I can create a cube like that and I can go up moving up the ground and I will add some polygon on the cube as well. Like that this cube will be able to deform and have some detail and deformations appearing. And now we can start maybe a cloth…
