From the course: Learning Moodle

What you should know - Moodle Tutorial

From the course: Learning Moodle

What you should know

- [Narrator] There are no prerequisites for this course. This is an introductory course on the Moodle Learning Management System. Now, before I get started, I wanted to create this video to be as transparent as possible regarding who the course is directed towards. Moodle is a powerful LMS, used in both academic settings and in corporate training settings. My goal on this course is to help you understand and begin using Moodle, regardless of which setting you're using it in. This isn't easy to do because the verbiage and examples are much different. So in this course, I'll be using the terminology used by the default on Moodle in which I'll refer to the instructor as the teacher and the participants or learners as the students. I also tried to include examples that would be relevant to both settings. One final thing to note is that the Moodle platform is highly customizable and your platform may look different than mine. No worries though, because the concepts and tips will still be relevant.
