From the course: Learning Moodle

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Utilize the gradebook

Utilize the gradebook - Moodle Tutorial

From the course: Learning Moodle

Utilize the gradebook

- [Instructor] In most courses, it's important to track the progress of the students. This allows you, the instructor, to see whether students are learning the material and to identify any skill or knowledge gaps that exist. It's also important for the students so they can see their progress and get feedback on whether they're understanding the content that you're teaching. In Moodle, you can track student progress. Moodle has a powerful gradebook built into its platform, and in this video I want to give an overview of the gradebook and how you can get started with customizing it. Right now, I'm on my Effective Team Communication page, and here in the navigation bar I want to navigate over to Grades. I'll click here, and this brings me to the grade report. I can see here I am under Grader report. There's a dropdown here, and I'm at the very top. Now this grader report is a gradebook. I can see down at the bottom that I…
