From the course: Learning Moodle

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Switch roles in Moodle

Switch roles in Moodle - Moodle Tutorial

From the course: Learning Moodle

Switch roles in Moodle

- [Instructor] One of my favorite features inside of Moodle is the ability to switch roles or to look at your course from the perspective of a student. Now, with recent versions of Moodle, this has become easier than ever. I'm going to go ahead to my profile picture in the upper right and click on the dropdown menu, and from here I can select switch role to dot dot dot. I'll click this, and you'll see that it allows me to switch my role to a non-editing teacher, a student, or a guest. Here I want to click on student, and it's now showing me my course from the perspective of one of my students. And I can see here, up in the upper right, it's letting me know that by putting the word student here. Now there aren't many changes now, so this isn't really important now, but I did want to point it out earlier on in the course. This feature will be really important once we've started to add activities, assignments, quizzes, and…
