From the course: Learning Moodle

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Save a backup of your course

Save a backup of your course - Moodle Tutorial

From the course: Learning Moodle

Save a backup of your course

- [Instructor] Once you have your Moodle course created, it's important to save a copy of what you built. Now, let's take a look at how to save a copy of your course. I'm in my effective team communication course, and up at the top, I'm going to go over to the more tab. From here I'll click and then select course reuse. This brings me to a page where I can do several things. Here from the dropdown, I can import. So if I want to find a course to import data from, I could do that. I can back up my course, restore a course and reset it. In this case, I'm going to click backup. Now, when you do this, Moodle will walk you through the steps that you'll need in order to back up your course. Right now, I am on step number one, which is the initial settings. First of all, if you want to save information in a format that's compatible with other learning management systems, you can click here on the IMS common cartridge 1.1 box.…
