From the course: Learning Moodle

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File and URLs

File and URLs

- [Instructor] Let's take a look at how we can add resources to our course in the form of files and URLs. We'll start with files. Moodle allows you to easily upload and share files such as presentations, images, videos, HTML pages and more. Now for many of the files, students will be able to view them directly on the Moodle platform, which is really convenient. And if it's unable to be shown then it will automatically be downloaded. So I'm going to scroll down to the section that I want to add a file to. And the first thing I need to do is go to the top right and turn on editing. So I'll turn on edit mode and I want to add this to my communication methods section. So below that, I'll click on add an activity or resource. This brings me to the picker and from here I'm going to select file. This will then bring me to the page where I can begin creating this resource. So first I'm going to give it a name. And what I want…
