From the course: Learning Moodle

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Customize your notification settings

Customize your notification settings - Moodle Tutorial

From the course: Learning Moodle

Customize your notification settings

- [Instructor] In this video, we'll take a look at how to adjust your notification settings inside of Moodle. Now this is an important step because it will dictate which activities that you're notified of on the platform. For instance, if you're notified when a student posts a comment or sends a direct message. Now in order to do this, I'm going to go up to the upper right corner again and click on the dropdown menu by my profile image. From here, I want to select Preferences. On this page, you'll see that there are a lot of preferences that you can customize here and I do recommend that you go through and take a look at these at some point. In this case though, we want to take a look at Notification preferences, which is down here at the bottom. I'll click on that and it brings us to the notification preferences page. Now there are a couple things that I want to point out here. First, if I scroll down, you'll see…
