From the course: Learning Moodle

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Course assignments

Course assignments - Moodle Tutorial

From the course: Learning Moodle

Course assignments

- [Instructor] Assignments are an important part of most courses. They provide a way for students to apply the knowledge and skills that they're learning. They allow instructors to receive feedback on how well students understand the material and then to give feedback to the students regarding their progress. In this video, we'll take a look at how to create an assignment inside of our Moodle course. First, I need to turn editing on. I'll go to the upper right corner and toggle on edit mode. Next, I need to decide where I want my assignment to be. And in this case, I want it to be under my Effective Meetings section. So down here at the bottom, I'll click add an activity or resource. From here, I need to select assignment, and this brings us to the page where we can begin creating our assignment and customizing the settings. So first I'm going to name it. I'll name this Leadership & Communication. Below this, we can…
