From the course: Learning Moodle

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Course announcements

Course announcements - Moodle Tutorial

From the course: Learning Moodle

Course announcements

- [Narrator] One of the keys to your course running smoothly will be communication. Moodle recognizes this and has created the Announcements feature to help you keep your students updated and informed. Now earlier, we discussed how to customize the different sections of your course. One of these at the very top was the Introduction section and at the bottom of that section was the Announcements feature. This feature provides an easy way to communicate with your entire class on the Moodle platform. Now, for the Announcements feature, we can go ahead and customize the settings for that. So I'm going to go ahead and turn editing on. And to the right of the Announcements forum, you can see the three dot icon. I'll click here and then click Edit Settings. Now in here, you could change the name if you want. You can give a description and then decide if you want it to appear on the course page. Mine wasn't, but I'll click here…
