From the course: Learning Microsoft Project

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Update your schedule

Update your schedule

- [Instructor] When the team starts work on their assignments it's time for you to start updating actual values in Project. I'll show you a couple of simple ways to update progress. Now first of all in this example I'm going to update tasks not assignments. That way we have fewer updates to do. We're going to use the tracking table. So I'm going to go to the view tab, click the tables button in the data section, and then choose tracking. This table has several fields for actual values like start and finish, duration, remaining duration, and so on. Before we add our updates we also have to set the status date. That's the date that work is done through. For example, like a Friday. To do that I'm going to go to the Project tab. In the status section over on the right I'm going to click the button with the calendar icon. That opens up the status date dialog box and I'm going to put in my status date. So let's say it's April…
