From the course: Learning Microsoft Project

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Resolve resource overallocations

Resolve resource overallocations - Microsoft Project Tutorial

From the course: Learning Microsoft Project

Resolve resource overallocations

- [Instructor] To build a realistic schedule, you need to keep your team members busy without assigning them too many simultaneous tasks. That's why you need to find and resolve resource over-allocations. The first thing I'm going to do here is on the view tab, in the split view section, I'm going to turn off the details check box. That way I can see my project in the entire window. Now the next thing I need to do is change one of project's settings. To do that, I'm going to head to the resource tab over on the right hand in the level section, I'm going to click leveling options, and that opens the resource leveling dialog box. By default, project is set up to look for over-allocations on a week-by-week basis. That gives more time for over-allocations to work themselves out. But this is a fairly short project, so what I'm going to do is click the down arrow and change this to day-by-day and then click okay. Notice…
