From the course: Learning Microsoft Project

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Create and save a project

Create and save a project

- [Instructor] To get your project schedule started, you create a new project file in Microsoft Project. Here's the no-frill way to do that. So I'm here in Project, in the Backstage view, and I have the home screen displayed. All you have to do to create a new project is click the Blank Project button. That creates a new file. If you look up at the top of the screen, you'll see that the program names this file "Project1." If a project is already open, you can use a keyboard shortcut to create a new project. It's really fast. All you do is press Control + N on the keyboard, and that creates a new project. In this case, it's called "Project2." Each new project that you create in a session gets a higher number than the last. Now, let's go ahead and add some information to this project file. We're going to start with the project start date. So I'm going to click the Project tab, and then click Project Information in the…
