From the course: Learning Microsoft Dynamics 365: The Basics

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View and create opportunities

View and create opportunities

- [Instructor] Opportunities are at the heart of the sales process in Microsoft Dynamics. Each opportunity represents a potential sale to a specific customer, and because of that, when we create an opportunity, that opportunity is added to the sales pipeline, which consists of nothing but opportunities in different phases. The sales pipeline is tracked and analyzed, and when the sales team makes projections about income and sales for the next quarter, for the next year, that is the aggregate of the weighted values in the sales pipeline. In other words, it's opportunities. If your organization uses lead qualification, most of your opportunities will probably be qualified leads, which we created in the last movie. But some organizations don't use leads and simply create opportunities, and others allow opportunities to be created when we have opportunities with existing customers. Let's create a new opportunity. Let's simply start with Quick Create, choose opportunity, and this is for an…
