From the course: Learning Microsoft Dynamics 365: The Basics

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Use search to locate a record

Use search to locate a record

- [Instructor] Thus far, we've been browsing, opening up different lists, and looking at them. If I'm looking for something specific in Dynamics, the way I'm most likely to try to find it is by using Search, which is a powerful Dynamics feature. When you search, it doesn't search every single field. If it did, in a large organization, the results would overwhelm you. So this is not a good way, for example, to locate all the businesses in Columbus, Ohio. You would use a filter to do that. This is, however, a great way to find specific accounts and specific contacts, specific companies, specific individuals. Search is right up here on the toolbar at the top. Simply click Search. And I'm looking for Jim Glynn, who's one of our contacts. Press Enter and Jim Glynn, right here, currently at Coho Winery. Now, if I wanted to click into this contact, it will take me into the contact. Notice at the top, our breadcrumbs. We're in Sales, we're in Contacts, and we're looking at Jim Glynn. If I…
